"Dear Valued Members, It is with deep gratitude, I wish to release this brief message related to I being elected as Chairman of the prestigious Sri Lanka Police Inspectors� at the 66th Annual General Meeting held recently. At the outset, I would like to thank you all for electing me and it reveal In fact, I have strong hopes to achieve success on the following core issues in the near future. (i) to address relevant authorities to streamline feasible concrete Schemes of Promotions when recruitments are made in terms of sure and certain career prospects, since award of promotions seem to extinct in today�s scenario, (ii) to explore ways and means to assist our colleagues in whatever possible manner in the event they become victims in the performance of duty, (iii) to identify the urgent requirements relating to the welfare aspects of the personnel and to pursue genuine efforts to supplement them. Last but not least, I make an earnest request to all of you to rally round the Association extend your fullest co-operation and support to achieve success in all our endeavors Wish you all a bright prosperous future."